bahhhhh I'm super tired and have class at eight tomorrow and the girl I like just texted me to come out to the bar (which I can do since I'm 21 now, which I keep forgetting!!). Why now of all nows
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So I just realized yesterday that I could send pictures from my phone to my email. That means you lucky people get pictures of puppies and my half-shaved leg.
Today is my mom's birthday. So far my only gift to her has been not waking her at 1:30 AM to help me clean up puppy vomit and diarrhea. You deserve it, Ma. Also, I'm paying for dinner later. So that's that
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My room is more full of crap than it has ever been. I marvel that my mom can hold back the tears when she sees a flowerpot full of someone else's hair sitting next to my sickly bonsai tree
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Hehhehhehoh. Whoo. I keep making myself laugh really stupidly for things like saying "post officer" or...when my dog tries to bite me, which is a lot. Did you know that the cocker spaniel is the third bitingest breed in the nation? You do now
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